what is gut health

The gut has been receiving increased attention in recent years, with social media now advocating for its importance. In the medical field, the vital role the gut plays in overall health is not a new discovery. Since the time of the Ancient Greeks, medical practitioners have recognised and investigated the impact of the gut on mood, emotions, and physical health. This has been named the gut-brain axis and has maintained its position in medical textbooks throughout the ages, albeit with different therapeutic methods.

Recently, there has been a resurgence in research into the gut-brain axis and its impact on physical and mental disturbances. This research has led medical professionals to speak about the existence of a second brain located in our gut2p, the enteric nervous system (ENS). This “brain in your gut” is the system responsible for sensations like butterflies when you’re nervous and is thought to also be the root of so-called “gut-feeling”.

Although the ENS’s primary role is to control digestion, including triggering the release of enzymes to break down food and managing blood flow to help with nutrient absorption, it has been linked to big emotional shifts. This is seen most prominently in those with digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), to a point where doctors now believe that digestive conditions are the cause of anxiety and depression in some patients, rather than the other way around.

what is gut health

But it isn’t just your mood and emotions that are linked to your gut. 70-80% of your immune cells are located in your gut. Although the exact way in which the gut and immune system interact is complicated, clinicians agree that the link between the gut microbiome (the community of bacteria living in your gut) and the way in which it interacts with other parts of the gastro-intestinal system does have an impact on the body’s immune response. This makes having a healthy, balanced gut important not only for your mental health but also for your physical health.

What is gut health and why is it important?

With so many important functions, having good gut health is crucial for people of any age. Unfortunately, modern life sets us up for problems. Western diets, modern medicines, and improved sanitation have all contributed to removing vital good bacteria from our system, effectively decreasing the diversity of our gut microbiome compared to our ancestors.

Although the exact definition of what a healthy gut looks like will differ from person to person, there are some signs to look out for that may indicate an imbalance in your gut bacteria. One of the easiest to spot of these symptoms is digestive problems. Experiencing food intolerances that result in symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, and stomach pain are all potential signs of an imbalance of bacteria in your gut.

Unexplained fluctuations in your weight and skin issues are two other less common signs that you may need to look into your gut health. Moodiness, irritability, trouble with concentration, and problems with sleep are also signs of a potential imbalance in your gut.

Although the symptoms of a gut imbalance can be uncomfortable, they are also fairly easy to resolve in most cases, requiring only a few simple lifestyle changes.

How to improve your gut health

Diet and exercise play an important role in improving and maintaining gut health. Eating plenty of fibre and including foods that are high in probiotics like yogurt and fermented food such as kimchi can help promote and protect diversity in your gut bacteria.

Frequent exercise has also been shown to promote diversity within the gut. In fact, several studies have shown that exercise has the potential to change the composition of gut bacteria and its functionality without changes in diet, although for the most impact it is best to address both.

In addition to some dietary and lifestyle changes, introducing a probiotic supplement like Reuterina to your and your family’s daily routine aid in boosting your gut health. Probiotic supplements are a great source of good bacteria. They contain the live microorganisms that help to promote a healthy gut and other health benefits.

It is important to note though that not all probiotic products are created equal, and not all probiotic strains are the same, and choosing the right probiotic for your needs can be the difference between failure and success.

Reuterina’s range of probiotics offers clinically proven solutions for the entire family, having undergone extensive clinical trials to ensure effectiveness. Suitable and clinically proven for a range of gut disorders throughout life, Reuterina promotes a good gut flora balance throughout the entire body. 

Looking after your gut health is more than just the latest social media trend. Looking after your gut can have a big impact on both your physical and mental health and only requires a few small changes. Whether you suffer from gut-related symptoms or are just looking to give your body a boost, making small changes like eating more fibre, exercising more, or incorporating a probiotic like Reuterina into your daily routine can make a big difference.